Saturday, November 1, 2014

I remember October

I remember October like it was yesterday. Today, instead of enjoying another 1st, I wasted some moments looking around to see where October went. To tell on myself a little more, I just  remembered that our clocks go back an hour tonight. I sent out reminder messages to people in my life about this "fall back" business. How ironic: I'm the one that forgot and yet I saw fit to send out reminder messages. I guess I have some nerve. In other news, I hope that you have welcomed November with smiles and open arms. Yesterday someone said to me, "You seem so strong and happy." I appreciated the compliment and realized this person had tears in her eyes because of a tough situation she was dealing with. I shared some words with her in hopes that she would not look down on herself. What she did not know is that yesterday, I really had to force a smile, a laugh, and a strong, positive attitude.  Her words helped me, and I hope my words helped her. More irony: You could be moving through a tough situation but yet still be an inspiration to someone else. It's a good thing you don't have to feel like you're an inspiration to be one.

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