Sunday, June 29, 2014

Part 2 of "For your enjoyment"

If you remember in part one, I mentioned sacrifice. Maybe this post is premature; maybe I should wait until I've made more progress in my business, but here it goes. I've realized that starting a business can be a lonely process. I have beautiful people around me who love and support me, so how can loneliness be "here"? Since starting, I've had to sacrifice time spent with my circle. I've had to make phone conversations brief. I'm about to miss out on a trip to support my sister in her competition. I've had pass up those tender moments when I'm just with my family for no other reason than to just see their faces. Sometimes I feel like the little kid who got sent to her room and looks out the window at the other kids wishing she could play too (slightly dramatic, but honest). I've had to say no to weekend dinners, parties, and happy hour chatter. My social life....hmmmm...let me check in my bag and see if it's in there. Taking a break now consists of me completing that little, cumbersome, business chore. This business is my child-it has taken over my life. My hope is that my circle understands my intentions. I certainly don't want anyone to feel like they are less of a priority. I try to get phone times in when I'm driving or take a second to send a "checking in" message. Ok Tamu Talks readers. What do you think? Will better time management help me? or Do I just need to "man" up and deal with it?

We Like Them Big!

Now that I have your attention: I want to thank all of you for reading! Because of you, my "viewing" number continues to increase. I would like to see more comments from all of you! On social media, people are more inclined to comment, when they see other comments.  You can either post your comment anonymously or, if you are feeling real good about yourself, you can use your name or even your personal URL if you have one. So, comment on!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Part 1 For your enjoyment

"Enjoy the process" is what I heard. Then I thought, "How do I enjoy the process when there's so much sacrifice involved?" (Let's talk about that in Part 2.) I have to remember why I set out on this venture to begin with. I've mentioned this before. I have the chance to resume my pursuit of something I love. It's easy to push the "why" aside because your mind is so full of ideas, yesterday and today's to-do lists. Forgetting the "whys" make it easy for frustration to set in. So, I've made a conscious effort to look at my to-do list and understand how each step is progress. I'll replace complaints of being tired with being thankful that I have life to get back in this lane. I've also noticed that simply taking a 10 minute break brings the "why" back into focus. Please hold...for Part 2.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flats are sexy too!

If are like me, you put on heels every chance you get-no special occasion needed.  Yes, I've read the articles about what excessive "heel-wearing" can do to my ankles. I wear heels so much that when I finally do pull out the flats, my feet do thank me! You don't have to look or feel "frumpy" in flats.  They can be just as sexy as heels. The trick to flats is that you DO want to show leg! You can wear flats with dresses and skirts, but opt for those short dresses and mini flared skirts. Of course the length will depend on where you are headed, so for a more conservative look, choose the hem line that hits right above the knee.  When you wear pants with flats, make sure your pants aren't too long. Your pants should hit right at the top of your foot. If you absolutely have to have some type of height at all times, don't forget about the 1/2 inch "heels". Go for the pointed toe, 1/2 inch heel. This next-to-nothing heel will still elongate you.  Speaking of the pointed toe, if you are petite, pointed toe flats over a rounded toe will be your best option. The rounded toe tends to shorten rather than elongate. Be trendy with your flats.  Choose wild prints over solid colors. One of my favorite flats is the, sexy and sometimes edgy, gladiator sandals. I swear they look perfect with everything!  Happy flat hunting.
Pair these leopards with a flared skirt or dress.

These are perfect for adding a pop of color.
This is a navy blue skirt that can be worn with both flats shown above. To simplify, add a white blouse, tank top, or crop top.
Yes I know. Another celebrity pic, but it shows how chic flats can look with a dress. 
A Kardashian. Stay calm. This pic shows my favs!

These are perfect for short shorts!

Notice how the pants hit right above the foot.

Wear these hot ones with a flirty little black or red dress.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

An Exercise Moment-Again

Now let's talk workout gear. I mentioned this in the last post, but you want to be comfortable when you exercise in general. When it comes to running, shoes are everything. I wouldn't suggest being cheap on the shoes. A good pair of running shoes are light and have good ankle protection. While you are trying them on, a good test will be to jump up and down..yes..jump up and down in the store! How do your feet feel when you land? Are the shoes light and "cushiony" around your ankles? Take the time to try on running shoes that will work for you-this can be the difference between you and an injury. Now for the clothes, I keep my attire as simple as possible. I stick with tanks and sports bras; those are most comfortable for me. I find long and cropped sweat pants to be more comfortable than leggings. Leggings hold sweat in-gross. Now is the time when you can be frugal. Tank tops you can buy anywhere, but Old Navy is usually my "go-to-tank top-store." I buy my sports bras in packages of 3; I get these at any Wal-Mart or Target. Danskin makes a cropped, soft, cotton/polyester blend sweat pant with an elastic waist and tie and where do I find this brand? Yep. Wal-Mart. Don't negate fit just because you are buying clothes to run in. Will your clothes make your run the most enjoyable thing in the world? I won't answer that. I will say that dressing for a purpose does change your mind set about what you are about to do. So Happy Running! (If you are a new runner or you are just getting started with a workout routine, we would love to hear about your progress :-))

Sunday, June 8, 2014

An Exercise Moment

It feels like weeks have gone by since my last post and June is only 8 days in!  With your busy lives, I hope your June is off to a healthy start!  Speaking of health, let's talk about exercise for a minute. In my last post, I talked about breaking a routine and starting something new.  Exercise (I hope you take time for it!) can become very routine. Instead of going into the gym to use the same machines, try running.  Don’t let running scare you. Your body will get used to it much quicker than you think.  Here are some tips to get you started.  When I started running, I found that focusing on time, rather than distance was much easier. I took it slow. I would run 2 minutes, walk a minute, and alternate.  I would set goals for myself to run continuously for a certain amount of time and increase that time at each session.  Also, since I wasn’t concerned about distance at first, I didn’t make speed my concern either (and I still don’t.)  Can you get the same results from walking as running? In my opinion, it depends on your purpose for running. If weight loss is your main goal, you will see results quicker when you advance  into running.  I’m basing that on the changes I saw in my body when I went from just walking to running. Running is a good body toner and it is also the perfect, quick, full body workout when that is all you have time for. As you start running, remember to relax.  Starting out,  I ran with tense shoulders and arms. I also made fists, which served no purpose for me.  I make a conscience effort to drop my shoulders, which can look really dramatic to a person who didn’t know what I was doing.  Spending a few minutes stretching will help you relax before your running session. When you relax, it will also help your breathing. You'll want to be comfortable when you run (or when you exercise in general), which brings us to our workout gear. I'll talk about that in the next post!  (Disclaimer: I’m not a certified trainer or a health professional. Please consult with your physician before starting any exercise program. The tips I've offered here are strictly based on my experience. Did I leave anything out of this disclaimer?)

Sunday, June 1, 2014


If you are a regular reader of my blog, you already know how I feel about a new month. If you are new reader, let me fill you in real quick (Bare with me "regulars"). To me a new month means just A new month is another opportunity to become rejuvenated by embracing the new.  Life is busy, we have our schedules, and it easy to get trapped in our routines; having done nothing to rejuvenate ourselves. Have you ever been driving and you realize that you've traveled that route so many times that without thinking, you are suddenly at your destination?!  Breaking a routine doesn't have to be major, it can be as simple as driving a new route.  For this month, try a new advertising method for your business. Switch up that workout routine. Go for a run on a new route. Instead of getting highlights, go for a permanent change in your hair color. Go to happy hour on Wednesday, instead of Friday. Visit a new restaurant.  Reach for a book or magazine that you would normally ignore. Try a new shade of lipstick. Instead of capris, reach for shorts! You get the idea? Mixing up the routine and trying something new, no matter how big or small, keeps the creativity flowing, keeps boredom away, and forces us to think differently. Now, am I saying that simply getting a new hair color is going to give you your next business idea? No, but you never know what will give you that push you've been looking for to send you in a new direction. 