Sunday, February 23, 2014


I hope at this time, you are seeing the efforts of your hard work coming to life! I took a moment a few days ago to write down a laundry list of everything I have going on right now. But don't worry about me! The good thing is that I am even more determined to find that much needed balance. One "to-do" on my list is to create a women's wear, Spring/Summer 2015 collection by this August. (Long sigh!) I went through an entire list of excuses of why I should walk away from this opportunity: "I don't have time", "I want to be able to give this my all, so I'll just wait until next year", "I can't compete now because my designing skills aren't where they should be"~ Blah! I was reminded of a previous post where I mentioned if we waited until things were perfect to pursue anything, nothing would get accomplished. Being to complete those tasks will bring more satisfaction if we can talk about the bumpy road(s) we had to walk, run, skip, and crawl in order to cross those tasks off of the list. Stay tuned.


Sunday, February 9, 2014


"Courage + confidence is a recipe for just being cocky." What?! Who in thee (insert your choice word here) said that? There are plenty of talented people in this world. The difference between just the talented and the talented whom actually build a life surrounding their talent is that "C" duo. You can't have one without the other. We were given a life to be productive. What better way to be productive than to work your talents?!  Since I've committed myself to building my business, I've had moments of being intimidated by own vision! Then I stop and breath. My appreciated reader, you and I were born with everything we need to build "brick by brick." Being told "No", hasn't killed us. We just need to step over those "No's" until we find our way IN. We don't have the time to worry if we're viewed as being "cocky." I'd rather be called "cocky" than to just be a dreamer. The End.
P.S. At the time of this post, I was running on 4 hours of sleep. So, rather than a funny, clever ending, "The End" was the best ending I could think of.