Thursday, May 31, 2012

Emotional Freedom

Being honest about your emotions is freedom. It’s essential that I have people around me that I can be emotionally honest with. I can’t have people in my life me that would make me feel that somehow I have to paint a “pretty” picture. No Thank you! Those who truly love you and want to see you progress are those who welcome your out pour. They may not know what to say at that moment, but they listen.  I’m surprised at how many people cover up their emotions because they don’t want to appear weak. That is quite the contrary! People who can admit to feeling angry, sad, unfulfilled, or even depressed are displaying strength. What good does it do to hide behind a fake smile or laugh? You hear about people “going off”, “going crazy”, or “losing their minds” everyday. When someone asks, “how are you?” we are so conditioned to say, “I’m good”, with a half crooked smile because really, we are not. Now I’m not telling you or your cousins to walk around frowning at people just to let people know you are unhappy. What I am telling you to do is go ahead and feel what you are feeling. Allow yourself to feel now, so that two years later, you don’t find yourself “going off” in the produce section at Wal-Mart because the apples aren’t red enough.  I promise you, whatever emotion you are trying to push away and ignore, will sneak up on you at the most inappropriate times. You will be angry all of a sudden and you won’t know why or you will respond irrationally to a situation (as seen in the previous apple example).  I’m ending this, but let’s revisit emotional freedom later.   


  1. So true. A lot of times we hide our true emotions in the effort of procting other people - but then we walk around feeling unhappy because we didn't express our true emotions. Emtional Freedom - love it!

    1. thank you Tonya for reading!!! "tell yo' friends about me"

  2. You are one amazing Big Sis! And man don't I know those irrational moments well! LOL Not really funny for loved ones to be around in that moment, (or anyone for that matter). You end up later...... sorry and embarrassed. Well thanks for the advice! Will work on that! Love You!

    1. you found it!! thanks for reading and love you too!

  3. Anonymous6/01/2012

    But be reminded that when you let these feelings out that in return someone at some point will do the same. So just be prepared to return the favor of listening and understanding.

    1. I agree with you "A"...and thanks for reading!!

  4. I really liked this...made me feel normal (lol) and liberated!
