Friday, October 11, 2019

Ever Been Shocked, Pissed, & Frustrated?!

I was disappointed with something that happened with my business that was completely 
unexpected.  I was so confident that the outcome would be positive that I made plans, well into next year, that were dependent on that outcome. Well…

Shocked, pissed, frustrated became my first names after I learned of the confirmed outcome. My first inclination was to react. But that initial reaction would have been a Shocked, Pissed, & Frustrated show of fireworks. So, I paused and asked the simple question, “What do I do now?” Right after, the next thought I had was "take a week off". 

Take a week off?! I tried to avoid doing that until it pierced my ears like nails on a chalkboard, so I gave in and committed to taking a week off. The first couple of days got on my nerves until but I realized how exhausted I was. The break gave me some clarity.  I’m going to have to pivot.  There are aspects of my business, that I was not going to touch until years down the line, which are now staring in my face to focus on now!

If you have received a NO to something that you were confident was an “oh hell yes”, pause.  Take a moment to allow yourself to feel every emotion: anger, disappointment, annoyed-don't ignore them or pretend as if you're not bothered. After you take yourself through those emotions, your next action steps will be of clarity and not desperation. Remember a NO is progress. Allow yourself to pivot. You will start to imagine things that you either considered and put to the side for a later date or you may start to imagine new things. Either way, grab a drink and celebrate what's to come!

~Cheers to YOU!
In the studio thinking of what's to come!

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