Saturday, August 3, 2019

Thou Shalt Say NO

You know those people that have a hard time saying NO, so they offer a long explanation as to why they aren’t going to do something?  Instead of saying NO, they say “Well I have this to do…” or “Well let me think about it because I may have to do…” or “I really want to but…” You’ve heard it before, maybe you have even said one of those phrases yourself. 

It is okay to say NO. It is okay to say NO to things that don’t advance you. It’s good to Say NO to things that don’t add to your life. It is okay to say less and say NO without explanation and a background story. It is a good thing to have control over how you spend your time. It is a good thing to have control over whom you spend your time with. It is good to have control over what events or causes you attach yourself to.  

We often hear the phrase “protect your space”. Part of protecting your space is protecting your boundaries and part of setting boundaries is saying NO.  

Until our next round table discussion, 

~Live Loud~Work Smart~Play Hard~Travel Plenty~Dance Always~


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