Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Time Management at Happy Hour Pt. 3

Is everyone enjoying this series?!  Please share your thoughts and comments on how you manage your time doing what it is that you do! Here is Part 3 of our round table discussion about Time. So, from Part 1, we talked about budgeting our time, like we budget our money.  Then in Part 2, we created categories to put our tasks into, rather than having a long laundry list on our calendars.  Are we ready for Part 3? Hold your drinks for this one!

Set a timer! When we have many things to tackle, a few things can happen. We start working on one task. We’re focused, directed, and in tune with what we’re doing at that moment. But somehow, we become distracted by an email alert, a text, or 47 minutes later, we find ourselves doing a google search for our next vacation spot or trying to find out how tall Jesus was! Here is something else that can happen: We allow ourselves to become overwhelmed and suddenly laundry becomes a priority (when it hasn’t been for the last two weeks!).

Setting a timer has done wonders for my concentration and focus. Here’s an example: Fridays I have a block of time scheduled for 2 hours of research. A specific task for research is finding a new modal jersey supplier with low minimums (I know I’m being very specific here!). The time block can change, but we’ll say from 6-8p, that timer begins at 6p. For next 2 hours, I don’t check email, I don’t respond to texts, I don’t sketch, I don’t make updates to my website! Now we may need to answer our phones for emergencies, yes, but we know when a call comes in, if it’s urgent or not. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done in 2 hours, even 1 hour. You are setting yourself up to do focused work. This is part of working smart.  Setting a timer has forced me to calm down when I work. Many times, I would find myself working frantically to get things done. We know when we are frantic and stressed, we don’t think straight. We may look busy doing somethin’, but is it complete work? Is it our best work?

Once that timer goes off, then you go on to the task in your next category. I should mention, don’t forget to schedule a break for yourself. You may find that you can work 2 hours straight with no break. If that’s the case, then do it. If you know that after an hour, you need 10 minutes, then set another timer, and take 10.

My fellow movers and shakers, I hope that these tips helped. I’d love to read your comments on tips you use to manage your time. Also, if there is a topic you would like to for me to blog about, let me know! Until our next round table!


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