Sunday, July 15, 2018

Time Management at Happy Hour! Pt.1

So many of you bosses and go-getters are out here building businesses, carving out brands, and starting other careers. Whatever it is we are building, we are building something to last. We are building something to pass to our nieces, nephews, children; because we know we can’t pass down our cubicle or our office from a 9 to 5 job! Whatever the reason, we stay dedicated to ourselves by continuing to work 40, 50, and yes, sometimes 60 hours at a day job, and then refocus and put work in toward our visions. We continue to divide our time, things get tough, we get tired, but we power through.
I’m here with you! I understand how you feel completely, entirely, wholly, and fully! So, I want to share with you tips that have worked for me to make the time divide more manageable. I have 3 tips that I’d like to share with you in 3 short shots. Here is your 1st shot:

Look at the total hours you have after you’ve worked your day job. Take the hours you have left and commit a number of those hours to building. You can do this by the month or by the week. This is your time budget. Then, schedule your vision building in blocks of time based off the number of committed hours. Treat your building as sessions or appointments. And I mean write/type/talk the session in on a calendar just like you do with your hair and meeting-the-friends-for-cocktails appointments!

It is important here to be real with yourself. Here are a few examples. Let’s say your time off from the day job is 4p. Do you really want to schedule your block of time to begin at 5p? Give yourself time to refocus and recharge. Give yourself time to eat! Only you know how much time you need for that. If you must be at your day job at 8am, are you going to schedule a block of time from 3a-6a?  That sounds good on paper, but will you do it? Again, only you can answer that. Perhaps schedule yourself from 5a-6a. Yes, it is only one hour but you will be surprised at what you can get done in an hour when your work is focused. The goal here is not to look at these blocks of time as chores, which can be the result of making unrealistic schedules.

This method forces you to garbage the excuse of “I don’t have time.” The time budget forces you to look at the time YOU DO have. Even if you find yourself scheduling blocks of 30 minutes, guess what? That.Is.Time!

For those of you saying to me, “But Tamu, things come up, it’s not that easy to schedule time like that!” Then I’ll ask you, don’t you have a budget for your money? (Please say YES) Now budget your time. I’ll also point out, the fact that life does not stop, and things will come up, is exactly why scheduling the time for your vision is so necessary.
This round is on me! Stay tuned for Part 2 of our round table talk about time management! *Cheers*

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