Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pardon Me While I Break

This year has taught me how important it is to declutter mentally.  We work, work, and work some more, and then repeat, without scheduling and taking mental breaks.  Mental breaks are needed to make sure we are still owning our lives, situations, goals instead of our lives, situations, and goals owning us.  We need mental breaks to be sure that we are still doing what we are doing for OUR right reasons.  Notice I said, “OUR right reasons”: not the reasons that other people think we should have, but for the reasons that will allow us to be as fulfilled as we can possibly be.  Mental breaks will “un-cloud” us.  We need mental breaks to be sure that we are keeping the right people around us.  Mental breaks will show us who we need to love from a distance.  Mental breaks will open us up to new opportunities and higher levels of creativity.  Mental breaks are our chance to THINK; think about our next big move, to think about what opportunities we can create.  Most of all, mental breaks are free. Take One! 

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