Friday, August 5, 2016

Take Your Ass To Sleep

     So you’re working diligently to make strides in your life and in your business. You’re tired. I mean so tired, your eyes are blurry. You notice you’ve had a headache that has been a distraction for 3 days straight! In spite of this 3-day notice, you ignore the headache because you have so much more work to do and can’t get behind. You keep working or at least try, but you have to stop for a few moments because of the increasing tension in your head. You look in the mirror for no apparent reason and you say “Damn.” No, not “Damn, I look good” but “Damn. This view is wrong!”
     Just recently, when I looked at myself, I couldn’t believe how worn I looked. I had this crazy idea that since I work-out, sleep and just simple rest could take a back seat. But cardio does not remove red-eye, eye bags, dark circles, and headaches! My mind was saying keep working, but my body did not agree. They were not in sync. I was forced into rest and recharge mode!              
     Ironically, a week before being knocked on my ass, I was reading the book, Manage Your Day-to-Day. There is a chapter that hails the importance of sleep and discusses studies that have shown how sleep is more important than food! Bodies aren’t machines. They are not made to function at full capacity, continuously, without being recharged. The best way to recharge is to get more than 3 hours of sleep a night. Imagine that! I’ve said all year I was going to prioritize “Rest and Recharge Time” by treating it as an appointment on the calendar. It’s time to stop saying it and start doing it.
     Because I hadn’t planned on being “down”, I think too much of my forced-recharge time was spent thinking of all of the unfinished work I had. Preparing for our recharge time or moment of rest will allow us to make the progress we need in our work. We’ll actually be able to relax and actually enjoy the rest without having the strain of unfinished work on our brains. If nothing else, getting rest is just healthy.
  A wise man once said, “Can’t knock the hustle, but health is the most important thing.”
                                                              Now sleep on that!

Don’t forget to leave me a comment so we can chat. 

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