Thursday, February 12, 2015

V'day is cancelled

If Valentine's Day disappeared off of our calendars, hopefully no one would lose their mind questioning why or spend their time organizing a rally to get the holiday put back on the calendars. A few days ago, someone said to me, "I don't believe in Valentine's Day." I didn't ask for elaboration so I still don't know what that means. You don't have to be married, hitched, tied down, or spoken for to celebrate the day. Some of you have a romantic-50 Shades-like evening planned (Side note: I still haven't read the book, which means I won't be seeing the movie until I read the book). Some of you are going out just like it is another Saturday night. Whatever your plans are, step outside of the red box, and go for a fitted dress with a loud, animal print, like the one below.
(Although I think Valentine's Day is cute, the real purpose of this post was to show off an Iconic by Tamu creation.)

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