Monday, December 15, 2014

Top (slightly random) 9's of 2014

Every year at this time, I'm stunned that another year is saying good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, and good bye! Sixteen more days. Early this morning, I found myself smiling. I hope you find yourself smiling on each of the sweet sixteen days left. Hopefully, to add to your smiles and to continue with Tamu Talks version of  a year-end review, take a look at "Tamu's Top (slightly random) 9's of 2014. Wait...this list is in no particular order of importance.ok.proceed.

*Accepting the Dream-I couldn't have list without putting ME on it!

*My first fashion show- And again, I couldn't have a list without putting ME on it!

*Yes to the Dress- My baby sister trying on wedding dresses was a tear jerker. She doesn't know this, but before we started looking, I had to prep myself to avoid tears at all cost. I've done well, so far. What can I say, she's my baby sister!

*Final Obstacle- My mother received results that solidified her title, EVERYWHERE! These results represented the last part of the obstacle course that she has been in for the last 15+ years.

*The overwhelming focus on real and fake booties: For some reason, I don't feel the need to elaborate on this.

*Dunkin Donuts opening up 2 minutes away from me:Yes! You read correctly. Let me explain. When I was studying at Parsons, Dunkin Donuts' coffee gave me life during my late nights working on projects. When I left New York, I left Dunkin. DD was 2 minutes away from my apartment in midtown Manhattan, so you can see why it holds a special place in my heart.

*Gertie- A friend of mine, who I call "Gertie", had to make some very uncomfortable and scary changes all the way down to relocating! She may have felt she was starting over, but she started a brand new chapter. She.did.that.
"Gertie" is synonymous with Courage.

*Kermit- He has been both messy and funny, saying what people are thinking and addressing blatant foolishness, all the while sipping tea.

*The Elevator- The following is the current explanation of that fiasco: "Of course sometime $hit go' down when it's a billion $$ on an elevator"
All I want for Christmas is the complete, unedited version of the fiasco.

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