Saturday, August 30, 2014

So how did it go?!

So how did it go? It went. Actually, it went very well. With this being my first collection, it was important that the audience understood my apparel vision and aesthetic. Based off of the feedback, they got it! After investing a $hit ton of money and time in a big project, even though we are in a imperfect world, I still had the nerve to actually EXPECT for the presentation to be perfect.  Surprise! Things were not perfect. Between a few backstage mishaps, I had to take moments to myself to just calm down and breath. No, I didn't go have a cigarette or a glass of wine. I had to take moments to remind myself why I was there to begin with. I won't go through the things that went wrong (this time) or what I would change about the entire collection. I will say that I was/am in my element. When you are a part of that type of show, people, including your models, look to you for direction, which I had no problem giving. You have to make quick decisions to adjust to the imperfections; every minute counts. I learned, once again, I can handle more than I thought. Now that's doesn't mean I'm supposed to handle everything all of the time. Side note: I will be enlisting the help of a seamstress. I took my designer walk down that runway and I breathed a sigh of relief, not just because the show was done, but also because my support system was in the audience. That gave me more confidence than anything. My support may not understand the direction I'm going or may not fully understand my business vision. But what I do know is that they believe in me and that's everything.
P.S. I'm awaiting my professional photos from the show that I will post on this blog and on my website.

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