Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Real Happy Part 2

Here we go. So, I moved in with him and immediately I knew it was not one of my shining moments. I constantly felt uncomfortable and the trust I had for him disappeared. Even after he asked me to marry him, I could not shake those feelings. Those feelings actually became overwhelming. I really thought if I prayed harder, my attitude would change about the situation. From the outside, it appeared I was in a loving relationship and we were happy and “cute” together. My thought process went along these lines: “I made this decision and I am going to tough it out.” “Everything will work out because I demand it to!” “I expect for whatever I’m involved in to be successful, including this relationship.” “No way am I failing at this, this will work!” I used all of that energy to force smiles and laughs just to save face because I knew I made a bad decision. Instead of wasting the time, walking away and just accepting the situation as an experience and lesson learned, would have been so much easier. Cubic zirconium is not cute for jewelry, nor does it work with my happiness. My goal in life is to be happy..for real! Life is too short to force yourself to be happy in a situation you know is not good for you. In the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”


  1. Lmao like that!! Now your on to another level!!! Heyhey now!! Youve been there, done that!!!

    1. Hey Lemon Drop, I don't know how I missed your comment..but thanks! Keep reading! :-)

  2. Anonymous6/11/2013

    I'm so proud of you. It takes wisdom and knowledge of self that propels us to the destiny that God has for us.
    Nikki Turner

    1. Thanks Girl!! I look forward to our next round table! Thanks again for reading~

  3. I love you no matter what career you choose, what man you are with, or what you even think about yourself. There's a famous quote 'To thyself be true'. Never deceive yourself. I learned the hard way. Ask God before you give your phone number out if you should. He saves tons of disappointment.

    1. Aunt Daphne, I appreciate the support!! Love you too..and thank you for reading~

  4. Anonymous6/23/2013

    I read both of your postings.I believe we create these dreams when we're children. When I was a child, I really wanted the Huxtable family. It didn't turn out like that. I wish there was some way we can warn young people about real life.

    We want to make everyone happy and proud. Yet, we ignore the gifts, talents and even the "callings" that speak to us, and are hidden in our conscious. We don't feel as though those callings are good enough. Yet, they lead us to our real purpose and can actually lead us to a better life.

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Anonymous7/07/2013

    It's all life experiences which shape us....Thank God for You not afraid to grow and function even when those experiences causes us to say ouch putting it lightly.....
